Add a friendly face for candidates when they are completing your on-demand video interviews.
Meet JP, our very talented Product Team Lead who is evolving how Astronaut builds its products and features for our global clients.
What does Astronaut & Bowling have in common? We keep rolling.
Astronaut has recently released a new feature update that allows you to conduct interviews and assessments on any mobile browser, adding more choices to the current ability to conduct on any device, mobile or desktop, and a mobile app.
Learn how many Astronaut helps make decisions faster through candidate sharing with your team, managers, and stakeholders.
As our customers grow, we grow to make sure that our commitment to quality is solid. Meet Irene, our CSAM.
Meet Chandra Marsono, Astronaut’s new Head of Marketing & Communication.
Why is smart hiring important? Speaking to 71 students online, we spill the beans why smart hiring is crucial to any company.
Deeper Insights and Saving Valuable Faculty Time for National University of Singapore.
Astronaut’s infamous Swedish CTO Manfred Ekblad is a man of many hats.