Speaking at the National University of Singapore Business School recently, Astronaut’s CEO Nigel Hembrow shared the journey taken by Astronaut Technologies in contributing to the future of human resources technology through an online lecture with students. Curriculum vitae will no longer be suffice in order for someone to attain a job. We can see that today as company HR still go through the process of making phone calls to confirm an applicant’s identity, not to mention the back-and-forth communication in order to verify an applicant’s claim or their motives and passions. “Hiring should be fast, accurate and efficient, because it affects business when a position is not quickly filled by the right person for the job.” adds Nigel.
To understand more about Astronaut, the students took part in experiencing Astronaut as both employers and job seekers. Using the app, students went through an assessment process through answering questions, and conduct virtual interviews by recording answers given to them, all inside the Astronaut app. The result of the test is shared, and students can how applicant automation and asynchronous video help see much clearer about a person.
A company is no longer bound by its geographical presence, especially Singapore companies who not only hire locally, but regional and internationally. The perfect candidate can be in Canada or India, there is a need to make it practical to simplify the hiring process. Astronaut’s approach to that demand not only answers that need, but also takes it a few steps forward with asynchronous videos. It allows employers to see how applicant answer questions, their demeanor, gravitas, command of language, and more.
With those in mind, the smart hiring process comes to where automation is done to the standard repetitive work and nobody lose precious time in the hiring process, this means from the managers who have to evaluate the hiring to the team that needs a new hire to handle specific jobs fast. Decisions are made faster with much more precision in determining the right person for the right position.
Astronaut wishes to thank Deputy Academic Director Pei Chuan Wu for the opportunity to share with her students at the NUS Business School.