Smart Hiring as The New Standard
- 1 min read
We can no longer rely on CVs to give a clear picture of a candidate. Technology has opened the doors to a new standard in hiring: the Smart Hiring.
MBSB: Online Interview Tips
- 2 min read
Being genuine is important, you want to let the interviewer know a little more about you.
Assess First is Changing Recruitment
- 3 min read
Revolutionize your recruitment process with Assess First with Skills tests and Video-on-Demand.
Magnetize Hiring For Banking & Finance
- 4 min read
The banking & finance sector has seen a decrease of interest from the young productive workforce. Has it lost its appeal?
Here to be Incredibly Helpful
- 1 min read
We let companies see a much more detailed side of jobseekers, and we let the jobseekers express themselves to the companies.
Re-Engineering POPSkul
- 3 min read
POPSkul grew from 0 to 2000 users in just 3 months by solving the problems faced by the certification industry; standardizing the cost of certification, reducing time, and enabling flexibility. The cost to deliver certifications was reduced substantially.
How AIESEC screened 2,500 students in 2 weeks
- 3 min read
With Astronaut, AIESEC Indonesia was able to shortlist fast – from 2,500 to 250 candidates in 2 weeks – with candidates from all over the Indonesia archipelago.
POPSkul’s Ambition: Skill Competency Certification for All
- 3 min read
POPSkul is democratizing skill competency certification, giving everyone an equal opportunity to be certified for their skills, wherever they are.
Tech-Driven Triumph ASTRNT Impacts Merdeka Copper Gold Recruitment
By Irene Ossi Widyastuti– Customer Support Account Manager Established in 2012, Merdeka Copper Gold (MCG) is known to be an experienced mining company in Indonesia. The company has grown so much over the years that it needed changes in its recruitment process to fill the needs of its ever-growing workforce. The company is taking huge […]
Meet Johannes Purba
Meet JP, our very talented Product Team Lead who is evolving how Astronaut builds its products and features for our global clients.
POPSkul’s Ambition: Skill Competency Certification for All
POPSkul is democratizing skill competency certification, giving everyone an equal opportunity to be certified for their skills, wherever they are.
Here to be Incredibly Helpful
We let companies see a much more detailed side of jobseekers, and we let the jobseekers express themselves to the companies.
Recent Post
Tech-Driven Triumph ASTRNT Impacts Merdeka Copper Gold Recruitment
By Irene Ossi Widyastuti– Customer Support Account Manager Established in 2012, Merdeka Copper Gold (MCG) is known to be an experienced mining company in Indonesia. The company has grown so much over the years that it needed changes in its recruitment process to fill the needs of its ever-growing workforce. The company is taking huge […]
Assess-First Saves Time for Qiscus’ COO
Irene Ossi Widyastuti– Customer Support and Account Manager Have you ever run into recruitment bottlenecks when the interviews often produce unsatisfactory results? Qiscus ran into the same problem and chose to solve it. Let’s take a closer look at how I witnessed them shift gears to adopting a more effective candidate interview, assessment, and selection […]
Generali Indonesia: Transforming Management Trainee and Intern Hiring
Irene Ossi Widyastuti – Customer Success Account Management Lead Technology is redefining the interview process at Generali Indonesia. As Customer Success Lead, I provide my clients with the essential assistance they need to establish a smooth and effective recruiting process that will draw in and identify top talent both today and in the future. Here’s […]