The Australia Awards Indonesia (AAI) awards scholarships for Indonesians to advance their higher education in Australia.
Offering you with the insights you need to construct your dream team, led by Sheeren Yolanda, our professional Head of Talent Assessment.
Read her story here.
At GagasCeria School, Headmaster Annisa Nur Sofia Fazrin and School Administrator Annisa Deasy Umami Kurniawan, are on a mission to modernize their teacher recruitment process
Our standardised, and customisable, competency-based assessment templates are your answer to fast, accurate selection.
Leading organizations all over the world are moving to an “Assess First” approach to assessing candidates.
Why? It’s the lowest cost recruitment process!
Massively reducing time-to-hire by assessing candidates first is no myth.
Candidate selection requires a holistic assessment approach. Meet Sheeren, Astronaut’s resident talent & assessment specialist.